How Long to Ventilate Oven After Cleaning: 3 Factors

How Long to Ventilate Oven After Cleaning: 3 Factors

Ovens accumulate grease, grime, and food residue with regular use, affecting their performance and hygiene. Therefore, cleaning the oven regularly using appropriate cleaning products and methods is essential. But after cleaning the oven, one common question is how long should you ventilate it before using it again. Typically your oven will take anywhere from 30…

Can You Leave Oven Racks in During Self Cleaning: Smartly Move?

Can You Leave Oven Racks in During Self Cleaning: Smartly Move?

Self-cleaning ovens work by heating the oven to high temperatures, which turns grease and grime inside into ash that can be easily wiped away after it cools. However, many people are uncertain whether they should leave their oven racks in during this self-cleaning process. Although leaving your oven racks in during a self-clean cycle may…